Wall Charades

Since the launch of Style Charade in the spring of 2015, Chicago street art and additional murals from around the world have been the center of the blog’s story, photos and content. After all, one of the most frequent questions that I get is, “Where is that wall?!” So, I created a Chicago Street Art Guide, which has since expanded to guides for other favorites cities as well.

This list of street art is by no means conclusive. I try to include as many walls as possible, but a huge part of why I love murals and colorful walls is that they’re EVERYWHERE. Plus, they’re constantly changing and evolving. As you explore these walls, I recommend keeping your eyes open and aware of your surroundings. I truly believe that bold, beautiful hues and street art are everywhere, especially in Chicago – you just need to look for them!

Click into your favorite city and browse my wall art finds by map, or by post. We’ve included direct links to maps, where possible, along with the closest known street address to help you find your way. As with all street art, murals, and walls, things are constantly changing, so you may arrive to something different than what has been pictured here. We do try and keep an updated notation as to whether the art we’ve featured is still around, so look for those notes with each listing! Don’t forget, street art is constantly changing, and there’s a chance you may arrive and find it painted over or even full of graffiti. I know it can be frustrating, but it happens!

Additionally, I try to include details on the artists, but some info simply couldn’t be found. Please contact me if you have that info – I’ll update accordingly! The artists are really the stars of street art, and I’m indebted to them for providing such beautiful backdrops for us to enjoy!

  1. If you’ve used our guide to create content for your blog or website, we ask that you do us a solid and directly link to this page.
  2. Use the hashtag #WallCharades on social media posts (Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, and Facebook). Feel free to mention me at @jenniferlake – I love seeing your posts!
  3. Credit the artists by mentioning or tagging them in your social media posts whenever possible!

That’s it! Now go forth, have fun, and enjoy the beauty of wall art in these cities!


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