All posts in: Kentucky Derby

This Week’s Friday Charades


I hope your week has been wonderful! As with previous Friday Charades, I’m sharing a round-up of my favorite links to read along with the best items shop around the web. Wishing you a relaxing weekend ahead!

Dress: vineyard vines Kentucky Derby Smocked Tiered Dress {shop more of their Kentucky Derby styles here} | Headpiece: vineyard vines Kentucky Derby Bow Fascinator | Jewelry: vineyard vines Resort Raffia Earrings | On Bob: vineyard vines Blazer, Kentucky Derby Tie, Shirt, and Pants

A Quick Guide to Kentucky Derby Outfit Ideas

Derby Fashion for Men and Women

The Kentucky Derby is just around the corner! Moreover, vineyard vines is the official style of the Kentucky Derby. Every year, they release a capsule collection of pieces for both men and women. Today, Bob and I are sharing a few of our favorites!


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