All posts in: Chicago Artists

Is this the Best Lilly Pulitzer Shift Dress?

A Comfy Yet Elevated Holiday-Ready Option

There’s something so festive and fabulous about an emerald hue, right? Additionally, this particular silk fabric has speckles of metallic, which adds a dose of sparkle and shine. Talk about a great holiday dress option!

Black Lives Matter Chicago Murals // Street Art with a Message

Since the launch of Style Charade, public art and murals have been at the core of my content. From Chicago to New York, Los Angeles and Miami, I’ve loved curating Wall Guides to help readers locate the colorful scenes and celebrate the artists. In many ways, street art is a significant part of my storytelling and brand. One of the reasons why I’ve always loved murals and public art is because they often share a message, support a cause, and/or make a neighborhood more beautiful.


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